Room for Rent and other rental scams
#443721 by Michelle Tue Apr 16, 2024 12:28 pm
Expires On2025-04-10
Registered On2024-04-10
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Nora Barker - SAGE Real Estate <[email protected]>

My name is Nora Barker, a real estate agent with an international activity for the Sage Real Estate company.
I am in charge of managing the purchase agreement of the property in Hochrüttestr 5 Freiburg 79117, Germany, price: EUR 450.000,00 owned by Mrs. Dantas Amelia.

You can check the availability of the property and the schedule of viewings on our website (check the link below):

Regarding the viewing of the property, we have 2 options for you.

1) OPEN VIEWING starting with Monday, 29th of April - from 17:00.
You are the 5th potential customer on the waiting list, I did check my schedule and I have 4 other customers before you.
The viewing will take about 1-2 hours. During this time, the potential customer will visit the property and also he will check all the documents of the property in original.
Viewings can be made the next day if the property is not reserved by any client.
If a potential customer before you, will reserve the property, all other viewings are put on hold until the previous client will decide.
The sale is not an auction, the property will be sold for the listed price, also negotiable at the viewing time.

2) PRIVATE VIEWING appointment with earnest deposit.
We can establish a private viewing at your disposal by paying an earnest deposit to our agency.
The earnest deposit is 1,5% of the purchasing price, i.e. EUR 6.750,00.
By reserving the property in your name for a private viewing, you will gain exclusivity in visiting the property.
You will be in the top of the list and the viewing will be made at your disposal and all other potential customers with free viewings are put on hold until you decide.
The earnest deposit is fully refundable at the private viewing in case you refuse to buy the property, you are not obliged in any way to buy the property.
Our services are paid by the owner, we will not charge the potential customer with any fee.
If you agree to buy, the earnest deposit will be paid to the owner as an advance for a future purchase in front of the Notary when the papers are signed.

To organize my schedule, please provide the following information:

1) Type of the viewing desired (OPEN or PRIVATE):
2) Viewing dates available for you (.........):
3) Please confirm your details (which was already sent by the owner to me).

I remain at your disposal for any further questions.

Best regards,

Nora Barker,
International Real Estate Agent
[email protected]

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