Advance fee loan scams and fraudulent loan sites.
#444204 by AlanJones Sun Jul 07, 2024 11:36 pm
From: Flow Fund - [email protected]
Reply To: [email protected]
Subject: Credit Application
Other Email: [email protected]
Tel. No.: +27638813853


Contact us today to apply for a personal financial assistance or to boost your business with our business loan.

Our interest rate is very affordable flexible repayment plans and our services are reliable.

For a detailed information and a comprehensive application guide, see our flyer and contact us for a swift response.

Flow Fund

From the attachment

1 Parkin Street,
Mbombela, Mpumalanga

( +27(0)638813853 * [email protected]
NCR Registration No. NCRCP17648 Legal Registration No. :2020/653029/07
Your Ref:.......................
Our Ref: FF/302657

Customers are always looking for quick cash, especially during a difficult time. At the end of the
day, anybody can be stranded and in need of cash, that is where Flow Fund (Pty) Ltd comes in.
Flow Fund (Pty) Ltd is governed by the National Credit Act, maintaining the financial wellbeing of
our clients. Furthermore, we want to ensure that our customers don’t have too much financial
baggage on their monthly budget.
We offer a range of financial solutions. Our loans are quick and guaranteed. We offer business
loans, personal loans, vehicle finance, home loans, debt consolidation loans and agricultural
finance at a guaranteed 4.50% interest rate per annum and there are never any balloon payments
or pre-payment penalties.
Why Choose The Services Of Flow Fund (Pty) Ltd?
 As soon as your loan is approved the money is available immediately.
 Fixed monthly repayments.
 Interest rates from 4.50%
 A loan with the best possible offer and interest rate based on your individual needs and profile.
 Get up to R20,000,000 over a duration of 6 – 120 months and above.
To Qualify, You Must:
 Be 18 years of age or older.
 Have a valid ID or Permit.
 Earn at least R3,000 per month.
 Latest pay slip and the last three months bank statements.
 You can apply for any amount, from R20,000 to R15,000,000 in increments.
 You can tailor your repayment term to suit your budget (from 6 months to 20 years)
 Repayments are fixed for your full loan term, so that you can budget ahead easily.
 Flow Fund (Pty) Ltd will always take your current financial circumstances into consideration.

Please do not tell scammers that they are listed here - it will take them seconds to change their fake details and their new details will not be listed for any future victims to find.

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